Logo development is a type of design I really enjoy. It requires the client to communicate deeply about their institution, organization or business with clarity and vision.


Generally, the process involves a few weeks of back-and-forth with the first batch of ideas being a wide variety of possible approaches to the logo.  Each successive batch hones in closer on the ideas that strike the right chord with the client.


Some logos are completely new for startups, and sometimes they are an event logo for a special anniversary or fund-raising event.


Logo development often is the first step in an institutional identity program, or branding effort. Most times, the very first project using the new logo is a stationery package, including letterhead, envelopes and business cards.


I have been designing logos for over 25 years, both in my institutional work and as a freelancer, so I'm confident we can work together to find just the right visual representation of your company or organization's core identity.


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